Bad Cholesterol: 8 tips to reduce

Reduce Cholesterol - Healthlifenews

Bad Cholesterol: 8 tips to reduce

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A high cholesterol level can be caused by many factors, such as food intake, family history, or certain diseases.

Worldwide, people with high cholesterol are in the majority. Foods are the main cause. However, you should be aware of other causes as well. A high cholesterol level is characterized by having pain or stiffness in the neck to the shoulders, on the side of the head, leg swelling, and being easily tired and sleepy. Heart disease and blood vessel disease are caused by high cholesterol. A  heart attack or stroke can result from the clumps of fat blocking blood flow.

The body does require cholesterol, but without it from the foods, the body’s needs are met. 80% of the cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver, and 20% is derived from food. Someone with cholesterol levels between 160-200 mg is considered to be in a healthy range; however, if it is above 240 mg they are noted to be in a hazardous condition.

By following these tips, you can reduce bad cholesterol levels in your body.

Women living in big cities are more likely to have heart problems, based on a report cited by the Times of India. Men have a higher likelihood of heart problems, but why does the study report the opposite?

A woman who performs regular health checks has elevated levels of cholesterol. In fact, 33% of women who have performed cholesterol tests have been found to have dangerously high cholesterol levels. Reduce bad cholesterol with the following steps if you want to avoid heart disease.

What is the fastest way to lower bad cholesterol?

Easy Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol

1. High Fiber Diet

Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables can help reduce bad cholesterol. In turn, this helps to lower bad cholesterol levels because these foods improve digestion and bowel movements. “Fiber helps eliminate blood fats (LDL) by absorbing them”. As oatmeal has a similar function, you can eat it as well.

2. Good Cholesterol

It is ideal to have low bad cholesterol (LDL) and high good cholesterol (HDL) levels so as to avoid heart disease. You can lower your bad cholesterol by eating a diet rich in Omega-3 fats. It can also reduce bad cholesterol levels.

3. Pure Meat

It is important to remove the fat from red meat before eating or cooking it. Additionally, it lowers bad cholesterol as well as fat intake that can make you fat. Make sure that the meat you eat regularly is fat-free if you eat red meat frequently.

4. Stop Alcohol

Red wine actually lowers bad cholesterol levels, despite the fact that it is intoxicating. Most alcoholic beverages are bad for your kidneys. According to research, red wine lowers LDL levels and improves cardiovascular health. When you’re out with friends, try drinking red wine rather than a cocktail. However, be careful not to drink too much and control the amount you drink.

5. High Protein

Protein should be consumed in moderation in order to support a healthy diet. By reducing bad cholesterol, lipoprotein can lower the risk of heart disease, while raising good cholesterol.

6. Low Carbohydrate

Reduce bad cholesterol by not consuming too many carbs. Diabetes will get  increased when the body has a high level of carbohydrate. Nevertheless, this carb diet should be discussed with a physician.

7. Defecating Routinely

Although they consume adequate and nutritious food, many people believe that they suffer from a disorder. It’s easy to forget that we defecate regularly. It should be balanced in excretion when food enters your body. In some cases migraines can sometimes be caused by irregular defecation interfering with the absorption of nutrients.

8. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise must be balanced with healthy foods. By exercising, you will stimulate your heart to pump blood throughout the body, burn calories, sweat out toxins, and reduce bad cholesterol.

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