Diagnostic and treatment for Pre-eclampsia

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Diagnostic and treatment for Pre-eclampsia

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The Reasons

Pre-eclampsia is a medical issue that causes hypertension during pregnant women (pregnancy-induced hypertension) as well as significant levels of protein in urine. As of now, doctors aren’t sure of the reason for preeclampsia or the high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy. However, they do have a reason and a theory about preeclampsia.

  • Preeclampsia is thought to develop when the placenta fails to expand the blood vessel system deep inside the walls of the uterus. This results in inadequate blood flow through the placenta.
  • Preeclampsia can be passed down through families. If your mother suffered from preeclampsia when she was pregnant and you are a greater likelihood of developing it in the course of pregnancy. Also, you have a greater chance of contracting it if the father of your baby was a high blood pressure person.
  • Mother’s immunity can react to the father’s sperm, the placenta or the baby.
  • A high blood pressure at the time you become pregnant increases the risk of having preeclampsia.
  • Conditions that may cause elevated blood pressure like polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, obesity and diabetes, can increase the be at risk for preeclampsia.
  • Multi-pregnancy (twins and more).
  • Aged 35 or older.

The signs

Pre-eclampsia refers to a condition in which there is a high blood pressure during pregnancy. There is almost no difference in the symptoms of this illness and the symptoms associated with the high pressure of blood. However, preeclampsia may cause rapid weight gain and rapid swelling of hands and the face. Preeclampsia that is severe can cause symptoms of organ dysfunction like a painful headache, problems with breathing and seeing as well as a variety of other symptoms. It can trigger stomach discomfort and less urine output. Take a look at the list below of symptoms of preeclampsia.

  • The hands are swelling and the eyes/face
  • Weight gain greater than two pounds each week
  • Headaches that feel painful or dull and do never go away
  • Abdominal pain that is felt most often to the side of the body, beneath the ribs. The symptoms could also be right shoulder pain or stomach virus. It could also be confused with gallbladder or heartburn pain or baby kicks.
  • Agitation
  • Reduced urine production
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vision shifts, temporary loss of vision, flashing lights or blurred vision.


The only treatment for preeclampsia is to deliver. In the event that your blood pressure rises and you’re more at chance of having seizures, abruption of your placenta strokes, seizures, and even serious bleeding. But that if you’re too young in your pregnancy, having a baby might not be the most beneficial option for your baby.

If your baby’s development was sufficient (usually around 37 weeks of age or more) then your doctor might require your baby to be delivered to ensure that the preeclampsia won’t get any worse. There are a variety of treatments available to aid in the onset of labor. If your baby is not fully developed and you are suffering from preeclampsia that is mild, the condition can treated at home until the baby is in good shape and has a high chance of survival after birth. The doctor could suggest the following list of suggestions:

  1. It is recommended to lie in your left-hand side for the majority of the time when you’re at home and getting sleep.
  2. Increase the amount of water that you consume and consume less salt.
  3. Inspecting your doctor regularly to ensure that you and your child are doing well.
  4. You can take medications to lower blood pressure.

The treatment may include:

1. Treatments are used to decrease blood pressure

These drugs, also known as anti hypertensives are used to reduce blood pressure up to the time of delivery.

2. Corticosteroids

If you are suffering from severe preeclampsia or other issues, corticosteroid medicines may temporarily boost platelet and liver function to prolong the duration of your pregnancy. Corticosteroids may also help the lungs of your baby to become more developed in as little as 48 hours. This is essential to help a baby who is premature get ready for life outside of the womb.

3. Anticonvulsive medication

If you have severe preeclampsia your gynecologist may recommend an anticonvulsive drug, such as magnesium sulfate to avoid a first seizure.

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