Write for us

Write for us

Write for Us - Healthlifenews

Thank you for your interest in contributing to health-life-news.com

Health Life News is focused only on health related articles such as health tips, symptoms, and causes of diseases, mental health, etc..,

Contributing with us increases your online presence and reputation. So, submit a guest post to increase your global reach when strike while the iron is hot.

Guidelines for submit guest post

  • The article must be at least 800+ words and ensure that the article is 100% unique content. The submitting article should not be published anywhere.
  • Be sure to write an interesting and informative article for us
  • Choose a unique and attractive title that is 50-70 characters long
  • Our editor will make every effort to improve the article (if necessary)
  • Plagiarized articles are subject to rejection (We use copyscape to detect plagiarism).
  • Images should be free of copyright and of high quality. Image dimensions should be 1200*628 pixels.
  • Articles related to products are not accepted
  • Each article may contain two external links
  • The format of the article should be in word document

If you follow the above guidelines, we will definitely publish your article ASAP.

Feel free to contact us!

We will be very happy if you write for us to health-life-news.com. Please, feel free to contact us  or healthlifenews001@gmail.com