Say Goodbye to Neck Pain: The 6 Best Exercises for Relief

Say Good Bye To Neck Pain - Healthlifenews

Say Goodbye to Neck Pain: The 6 Best Exercises for Relief

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Chronic neck pain is rather typical. Neck muscles get strained when people sit or stand in awkward positions, such as hunching over a desk or a workbench. Neck pain is frequently brought on by osteoarthritis as well.

Your neck ache may be an indicator of something more serious going on, but this is unusual. If your neck discomfort is accompanied by tingling, weakness, or numbness in your arms or hands, or if your pain radiates into one shoulder or down one arm, you should see a doctor.

The signs that can indicate neck pain:

  • Muscle tightness and spasms
  • Decreased ability to move the head
  • Headache
  • Headaches get worse when you spend a long time with your head in one position, such as driving or working at a computer.

What are the possible causes of neck pain?

Pain in the neck can be caused by a wide variety of conditions or traumas. Some of the potential causes of neck discomfort are:


Aging can cause neck pain due to degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis (cartilage wear) or spinal stenosis (spinal canal narrowing). Degeneration of the spinal discs, which can be brought on by repetitive strain and movement, might eventually result in a herniated disc or a pinched nerve.


Whiplash is a term used to describe the discomfort and stiffness that can result from a quick, forceful movement of the neck or head followed by a rebound in the opposite direction. Traumatic injuries to the neck can affect the muscles, ligaments, discs, vertebral joints, and nerve roots of the spinal cord.

Mental stress:

Pain and stiffness in the neck are common results of tensing the muscles of the neck.

Physical strain:

Pain and stiffness in the neck are common symptoms of overusing the neck muscles, which can happen during physically demanding or repetitive tasks.

Conditions that affect spinal balance:

Poor posture (sitting for lengthy periods of time; poor computer/keyboard/chair positioning), being overweight, and weak abdominal muscles can all impact spine posture and lead to neck pain.

Here are a few neck pain exercises that can help in giving relief:

Neck stretches:

Flexibility and stretching exercises can expand or preserve the range of motion and suppleness in affected cervical (neck) joints and so relieve the stiffness that accompanies discomfort. You should try to stretch your neck at least once a day, if not more.

Neck strengthening exercises:

Maintaining a better posture with targeted strength training can reduce or even prevent the occurrence of chronic pain episodes. Neck exercises should be performed every other day to give muscles a chance to recover.

Aerobic conditioning:

Commonly known as “cardio,” aerobic exercise is defined by increased heart rate and breathing rate due to oxygen consumption. Stretching and range of motion can be improved by aerobic workouts, as they enhance blood flow to the muscles and soft tissues in the neck and upper back. Furthermore, after 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise, the body’s natural painkillers, called endorphins, are released and can help in neck pain relief.

Neck exercises for neck pain are safe to perform on a daily basis. The use of a treadmill, stationary cycle, elliptical machine, and an upper body ergometer or arm bike are all viable possibilities. In the event that it has been a while since you’ve engaged in any cardio conditioning, a brisk stroll can be a great place to start.

Forward and backward tilt:

Depending on your preference, you can do this either seated or standing. Maintain a calm and steady pace.

At the outset, make sure your head is directly over your shoulders, and your back is straight.

Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Calm down and slowly raise your head.

Bring the back of your head toward the ceiling and tilt your chin forward. Ten seconds of holding, then release and return to the starting position.

Do the set again and over again. Make it a daily habit.

Side tilt:

Standing with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides, carry out the action.

Tilt your head to the right until you can bring your ear close to touching your shoulder. You should stop as soon as you sense a stretch. Keep your shoulder down.

Keep the stretch going for 5-10 seconds before releasing and going back to square one.

And now, doing it again, this time on your left side. It’s fine to do many sets and work up to ten reps.

To increase the stretch, place the hand on top of the head on the same side as the head tilt and press lightly with the fingertips.

Side rotation:

Either sitting or standing will work for this.

Keep your head squarely above your shoulders and your back straight.

To feel a stretch on the right side of your neck and shoulder, slowly turn your head to the right.

Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then slowly tilt your head forward again.

And now, doing it again, this time on your left side. Perform up to ten sets for instant neck pain relief.

Here are some ways to prevent neck pain:

Most cases of neck pain can be traced back to a combination of slouching and the normal wear and tear of aging. Keep your head in a neutral position in relation to your spine to lessen the risk of developing neck pain. A few little adjustments to your routine could be quite beneficial. Try to think of ways to:

Use good posture:

When standing and sitting, be sure your shoulders are in a straight line over your hips, and your ears are directly over your shoulders. Instead of craning your neck to glance down at your phone, tablet, or other device with a small screen, keep your head up and hold it straight out.

Take frequent breaks:

If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or in a car, be sure to get up and walk around every so often to prevent stiffness in your neck and shoulders.

See to it that the computer screen is at eye level by adjusting the height of your desk and chair. The ideal knee-to-hip angle is a very modest decline. Make use of the armrests provided by your chair.

Sleep in a healthy position:

Your neck and head should be in a straight line with the rest of your body. Pillow your neck with a little pillow. Try sleeping on your back with your legs propped up on pillows for a more relaxed spine.

When should you visit the doctor for neck pain?

If your neck pain is preventing you from doing your daily tasks, you should see a doctor.

Sometimes, severe neck pain can indicate a serious health problem. If you are experiencing neck pain, it is imperative that you get immediate medical attention.

  • Occurs with tingling or numbness in the limbs.
  • Occurs with a lack of leg strength or loss of arm and leg coordination.
  • That also includes symptoms like a headache, lightheadedness, or a stomach ache.
  • Involves incontinence or a lack of control over one’s bowels or bladder.
  • Including a sore neck, which rises to the surface.
  • Accompanied by shivering, fever, or sudden weight loss.
  • Hold steady, whether at rest or in motion.

You can also read our blog post on 8 ways to reduce lower back pain

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