Wrong diet is the reason of one third of all cancer cases

Wrong Diet - Healthlifenews

Wrong diet is the reason of one third of all cancer cases

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As experts think one third of all cases of cancer diseases are drawn by the incorrect diet. This problem became especially critical last few years. The reason is simple; natural – healthy foods cost more and more. Our diet drastically changed last years; we consume less animal proteins, vegetable foods, however, we eat more carbohydrates, animal and synthetic fats. The last ones are the most dangerous, by the way.

As result, the overweight problem arises. It was noticed more than 30 years ago that obese women after the age of 30 get more often the cancer of mammary gland or ovaries.

What role does diet play in cancer prevention?

So, what to do? It’s necessary to vary your diet and to decrease risk in possible ways. First of all, doctors advice to strike out from your menu all smoked foods: fish, chicken, pork, it doesn’t matter what. It is almost impossible to seek out in shops products made with natural smoking, the assembly of such foods goes consistent with intensive technologies with adding food additives, coloring agents, etc. Nobody knows what kind of chemical processes take place with proteins and fats as result. It would be necessary to make a lot of tests in order to make a definite resume.

The other moment is to reduce the consumption of fatty kinds of meat and fish, do not eat very roasted food, especially with crust, as it collects the most dangerous carcinogens for our body. The main quite cooking for you ought to be boiling, steaming, baking and making food during a autoclave . It concerns as meat dishes as vegetable ones.

Don’t think if you use vegetable oils for roasting you make yourself more secure. Truly there’s no difference within the fat you’re roasting on; carcinogens are generated in it anyway. Do not take synthetic fats, margarine; exclude from your diet refined vegetable oils. There are no exact data about the real harm of refined oils, nevertheless, the information about their harmful influence to the human body appear rather often. Decrease the consumption of bread and products from white flour. Using these simple methods you will be able to secure somehow your body.

And we wouldn’t even talk about addictions. It goes without saying. However, we would give one more advice about foods: read attentively the content. Recollect old plans and utilize characteristic flavors, cook as your terrific great moms cooked. You could find lots of recipes that will teach you to cook natural tasty dishes. Sticking to all these simple rules you will surely reduce the risk of getting some cancer disease, and you will recondition your body as well.

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