7 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Getting Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone - Healthlifenews

7 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Getting Kidney Stones

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A comparatively small, solid deposit in the kidneys that can be difficult to remove. Mineral and acid salt deposits clump together in concentrated urine to form kidney stones. They can be irritating when passing through the urinary tract, but they rarely cause long-term harm.

The most common symptom is severe pain in the side of the abdomen, which is frequently accompanied by nausea.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to avoiding kidney stones, especially if the disease runs in your family. Some medications, as well as dietary and lifestyle modifications, may help minimize your risk. Consult the best hospital to undergo Treatment For Kidney Stones to get immediate relief from pain.

How to prevent the risk of developing kidney stones?

Staying hydrated:

The most common strategy to avoid kidney stones is to drink more water. When you have low urine production, your urine is more concentrated and less likely to dissolve urinary salts, which can lead to stones.

Drink approximately eight glasses of water every day, or enough to pass two liters of urine. You’ll need more fluids if you exercise or sweat a lot, or if you have a history of cystine stones. Speak to your specialist on How To Prevent Kidney Stones to stay away from pain.

Consuming high calcium foods:

The calcium oxalate stone is the most commonly found type of kidney stone, forcing many people to believe they should avoid calcium. The inverse is true. Low-calcium diets can increase your chances of developing kidney stones and developing osteoporosis.

Less sodium intake:

Calcium kidney stones are more likely to develop if you consume a high-salt diet. An elevated calcium level in the urine is the result, which might lead to kidney stones. Reach out Treat Pa to consult the Best Kidney Stone Hospitals In Trichy for kidney stone problems.

By eating less salt, you can reduce the amount of calcium in your urine. The lower the calcium in your urine, the less likely you are to produce kidney stones.

Less oxalate-rich foods:

Some kidney stones are comprised of oxalate, a natural substance found in foods that bind to calcium in the urine to produce kidney stones. Keeping oxalate-rich foods to a bare minimum may aid in the prevention of stone development.

Don’t underestimate your sweat:

Saunas, hot yoga, and vigorous exercise may be beneficial to your health, but they can also cause kidney stones. Why? Sweating causes reduced urine production, whether as a result of these activities or simply the heat of summer. Sweating makes you urinate less frequently, which allows stone-forming minerals to settle and bond in your kidneys and urinary tract. Treat Pa offers Laser Kidney Stones Treatment Trivandrum reach out to the best specialist. 

Consuming less animal protein:

Animal protein-rich diets are acidic, which might cause urine acidity to rise. High urine acid can produce both uric acid and calcium oxalate kidney stones.

It is beneficial to avoid:

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Pork 

Preventive medications:

Certain drugs can help limit the amount of material present in your urine if you’re prone to certain forms of kidney stones. The sort of medication suggested will be determined by the type of stones you commonly experience.

Kidney stones are a regular occurrence. Prevention strategies do not ensure that they will work, but they may minimize your risk. Staying hydrated and making specific dietary modifications are your best bets for avoiding kidney stones.

If you have a condition that puts you at risk for kidney stones, such as inflammatory bowel disease, a recurrent urinary tract infection, or obesity, talk to your doctor about how to manage it so you don’t have stones.

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